- Prednisone and amoxicillin

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Prednisone and amoxicillin.Doc: Steroids, antibiotics prescribed together a trend? 



- Prednisone and amoxicillin


A year-old patient presented with symptoms of a urinary tract infection. This progressively worsened, reaching its peak by day Our investigations excluded other possible causes for deranged LFTs and there was no improvement of same despite reduced dosing of potentially hepatotoxic medications.

Drug-induced liver injury DILI is one of the common causes of acute hepatitis and a leading cause of acute liver failure in the US and Europe. Patterns of DILI can be generally divided into: 1 hepatocellular injury, 2 cholestatic injury and 3 mixed injury.

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Contributors MQL: role in substantial contributions to the conception, design of the work, analysis and interpretation of data. RC: editing the case report before final approval from consultant.

Refine the design and content of case report. Final approval of the version published. Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Skip to main content. Log in via OpenAthens. Log in using your username and password For personal accounts OR managers of institutional accounts. Forgot your log in details? Register a new account? Forgot your user name or password? Search for this keyword. Advanced search. Log in via Institution. You are here Home Archive Volume 14, Issue 4 Prednisolone: role in amoxicillin—clavulanate-induced cholestatic liver injury.

Email alerts. Article Text. Article menu. Case report. Prednisolone: role in amoxicillin—clavulanate-induced cholestatic liver injury. Abstract A year-old patient presented with symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Statistics from Altmetric. Footnotes Contributors MQL: role in substantial contributions to the conception, design of the work, analysis and interpretation of data. Competing interests None declared.

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Prednisone and amoxicillin.Been prescribed amoxicillin and prednisolone - can I just take the amoxicillin?

  When these two medicines are taken together, your body may not process your corticosteroid properly. What might happen: The amount of corticosteroid in your. A trial of 30 mg/day prednisolone was commenced, resulting in an immediate and progressive improvement in LFTs to baseline over a period of 22 days and an. The effectiveness of antibiotics in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations is still a matter of debate, especially in outpatients with an.     ❾-50%}


Prednisone and amoxicillin. Can You Take Steroids and Antibiotics Together?

    This medicine might cause thinning of the bones osteoporosis or slow growth in children if used for a long time. If you start to have a fever, chills, sore throat, or any other sign of an infection, call your doctor right away. Blood in my phlegm too.

There is a potential interaction between dexamethasone, a type of steroid, and certain antibiotics. The antibiotic erythromycin can raise the amount of dexamethasone in your system, increasing your risk of side effects. All corticosteroids, including prednisone, carry the risk of interacting with quinolone antibiotics levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and causing a tendon tissue that connects muscle to bone to rupture. Mixing prednisone and penicillin antibiotics such as amoxicillin is considered safe, says Madison.

Alcohol can increase your risk of side effects while on certain medications. You should avoid alcohol while taking certain antibiotics such as Flagyl metronidazole , Tindamax tinidazole , and Bactrim sulfamethoxazole. The combo can result in nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate, and headaches. There are no known interactions between alcohol and steroids such as prednisone but drinking large amounts of alcohol may increase your side effects, including an upset stomach.

To be safe, avoid drinking while taking oral steroids or at the very least, limit your intake. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Skip to main content. Log in via OpenAthens. Log in using your username and password For personal accounts OR managers of institutional accounts. Forgot your log in details? Register a new account? I again elected not to take the steroid. Can you tell me if this dual prescribing is a widespread medical trend or just a local one? Dear E.

These studies have shown a speedier recovery in those taking the combination of steroids and antibiotics than in those who take antibiotics alone, and I suspect that is why your doctors, and those of your friends, have been prescribing them.

If youre this worried about taking it though might be worth calling gp or speaking to the pharmacist as i'm not sure what more people here could say to reassure you, and a pharmacist would be able to discuss any side effects that were worrying you.

Honestly I went from on a Friday thinking I had a chest infection and would make an appointment on the Monday. Went in, and couldn't stop coughing but wasn't out of breath. Next thing I'm on a nebuliser. It took 6 nebulisers that weekend, two courses of antibiotics, two lots of steroids and I had to go for a chest x ray weeks later as they thought it was pneumonia No side effects off the steroids at all. My mum has taken pred at a high dose for 20 years for severe Crohn's disease, they are the only thing that works for her.

She has very few side effects and thinks they are miracle worker pills. Saying that, they don't recommend anyone stays on them long term but I'm just showing you that a short course won't do you any harm at all! I have moderate asthma and have taken lots of 5 day courses. They are brilliant at kicking infections out along with antibiotics - the steroids reduce the inflammation. OK MNers, you've convinced me. Here's my 6 tablets of 5mg each now. Wish me luck. I have had the flu, have asthma struggling to take my inhalers for this cough associatiated with the flu.

Did anyone else have this experience? This is day 2. Many thanks. Me too! Last night was awful and it wasn't just the stormy weather! Ive hardly slept and neither has DH, how can my body produce so much phlegm, it is hideous!!!! I feel like I'm suffocating, then my pelvic floor gives way through coughing I'm sorry I cant help you but am hoping for advice for both of us!

Do not take other medicines unless they have been discussed with your doctor. This includes prescription or nonprescription over-the-counter [OTC] medicines and herbal or vitamin supplements.

Along with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention.

These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:.

Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. All rights reserved. Information is for End User's use only and may not be sold, redistributed or otherwise used for commercial purposes.

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A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Drugs and Supplements Prednisone Oral Route. Legal Conditions and Terms Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Advertising Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization and proceeds from Web advertising help support our mission.

Dear Dr. Roach: In late spring ofI had a sinus infection and was prescribed an antibiotic and prednisone. I was told that the steroid would increase the effectiveness of the antibiotic. After reading the patient insert for prednisone, I elected to take only the antibiotic, with excellent results. Since that time, three of my friends also were prescribed antibiotics by three different doctors for various conditions; all were also prescribed prednisone to take with it.

Two of them did take the prednisone, resulting in really unpleasant side effects. This week I went to another doctor, was diagnosed with acute nasopharyngitis and was told to take an antibiotic and prednisone. I was prescribed clindamycin and methylprednisolone. I again elected not to take the steroid.

Can you tell me if this dual prescribing is a widespread medical trend or just a local one? Dear E. These studies have shown a speedier recovery in those taking the combination of steroids and antibiotics than in those who take antibiotics alone, and I suspect that is why your doctors, and those of your friends, have been prescribing them.

However, there is a downside to steroids, as you note. In the long term, the list of possible side effects is very long, so the benefit must always be weighed against the possible harm. This is particularly the case in people at high risk for side effects, such as diabetics in whom sugar levels routinely go up when taking steroids or those with high blood pressure which often is exacerbated by steroid use. Personally, I prefer to use nasal steroids in combination with antibiotics.

They have many of the benefits of oral steroids with few of the side effects. Roach: I have read that atrial fibrillation gives you a greater chance of getting dementia.

Do you agree? Dear K. What is clear is that people who are not treated well for atrial fibrillation specifically, those people whose anticoagulation dosage is frequently too much or too little have a greater risk for dementia than those whose atrial fibrillation is well-controlled. This is yet another reason that both patients and doctors should take particular care with anticoagulation.

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Comparing Amoxicillin vs Prednisone ; A total of 37 drugs are known to interact with amoxicillin: 4 major drug interactions (17 brand and generic names); Mixing prednisone and penicillin antibiotics such as amoxicillin is considered safe, says Madison. Can You Drink Alcohol While on Antibiotics or. Two of them did take the prednisone, resulting in really unpleasant side effects. This week I went to another doctor, was diagnosed with acute. The effectiveness of antibiotics in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations is still a matter of debate, especially in outpatients with an. When these two medicines are taken together, your body may not process your corticosteroid properly. What might happen: The amount of corticosteroid in your. I think your guide to your next step will be the degree of respiratory distress. For example, common side effects of antibiotics are nausea, diarrhea, and upset stomach. You should avoid alcohol while taking certain antibiotics such as Flagyl metronidazoleTindamax tinidazoleand Bactrim sulfamethoxazole. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects.

Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you have medical concerns, please seek medical attention ; if you think your problem could be acute, do so immediately.

Even qualified doctors can't diagnose over the internet, so do bear that in mind when seeking or giving advice. Having just looked at the list of potential side effects, I'm not keen on taking the steroids. But then, it's only 30mg for five days, so maybe OK? Anyone else just had them for a few days and been OK? It's for a cough that just hasn't cleared up. Please take the prednisolone! I've been on both at the same time hundreds of times. Not wanting to scare you I promise! But that's why I didn't take them the last time because was sick to death of feeling like that.

When I was admitted to hospital and finally admitted why I didn't take them! I was told it was completely normal for some people but a very low percentage! Please please take them. You would t of been prescribed them if you didn't really need them. Hope you feel better soon. I'm on my second course of these two drugs in the last 3 weeks chest infection.

I must admit I didn't take the steroid yesterday and was so breathless I thought I was going to faint in the supermarket.. See I'm not particularly breathless. It's just a cough, my chest was a bit wheezy when the doctor checked it, but it is just a cough. So in the old days, it would just have been anti-biotics, no steroids. Not sure why I've been prescribed the steroids, it looks like it's for asthma, but they haven't said I've got asthma.

I know it's only for 5 days and a lowish dose, but the side effects look so dramatic, that I wonder whether I need to risk taking them when maybe the anti-biotics on their own would be enough?

It's alarming to think that there could be side effects weeks later, even for such a short course. The steroids and antibiotics do completely different things. The antibiotics will get rid of a bacterial infection whereas the steriods will reduce inflamation in your chest.

If the gp thinks you need both you should take both. The side effects are scary but its a very short course and the benifits outweigh the negatives. If it makes you feel better, we give pred to children all the time up to 40mg and unless they're having numerous courses, we would never expect any long term side effects.

They make kids pretty hyper so normally recommend taking them in the morning! If I took 20mg instead of 30, would it be a bad move?

Should I just do as I'm told and take 30mg? I'm very small, so 30 is prob the equivalent of 30 for someone of average height anyway. Take the steroids. All of them. My ds is 11 and very small for his age - 23kg last month , and he takes 30mg for 5 days when he needs it. It makes him hyper for the 5 days and a couple afterwards, then he has a couple of days of being a little bit tearful, then he's fine.

If the Dr wanted you to take 20, they'd have prescribed you No you should either take the prescribed dose or you should go back to your gp and explain you don't want to take this. Don't reduce the dose, it will not be as effective. I have taken them before and had no problems and would recommend you do if the GP thought you needed them enough to prescribe for you If you read the warnings for any drug it is terrifying so don't be put off.

I thought the same as you so didn't. I lost my hearing. Wish I'd taken the steroids now! Kids can have 2mg per kg up to 40mg so unless youre under 15kg, 30mg is a fine done. If anything its already a low dose. If youre this worried about taking it though might be worth calling gp or speaking to the pharmacist as i'm not sure what more people here could say to reassure you, and a pharmacist would be able to discuss any side effects that were worrying you.

Honestly I went from on a Friday thinking I had a chest infection and would make an appointment on the Monday.

Went in, and couldn't stop coughing but wasn't out of breath. Next thing I'm on a nebuliser. It took 6 nebulisers that weekend, two courses of antibiotics, two lots of steroids and I had to go for a chest x ray weeks later as they thought it was pneumonia No side effects off the steroids at all. My mum has taken pred at a high dose for 20 years for severe Crohn's disease, they are the only thing that works for her. She has very few side effects and thinks they are miracle worker pills. Saying that, they don't recommend anyone stays on them long term but I'm just showing you that a short course won't do you any harm at all!

I have moderate asthma and have taken lots of 5 day courses. They are brilliant at kicking infections out along with antibiotics - the steroids reduce the inflammation. OK MNers, you've convinced me. Here's my 6 tablets of 5mg each now. Wish me luck. I have had the flu, have asthma struggling to take my inhalers for this cough associatiated with the flu. Did anyone else have this experience? This is day 2. Many thanks. Me too! Last night was awful and it wasn't just the stormy weather!

Ive hardly slept and neither has DH, how can my body produce so much phlegm, it is hideous!!!! I feel like I'm suffocating, then my pelvic floor gives way through coughing I'm sorry I cant help you but am hoping for advice for both of us!

The flu and asthma is a shitty combo and on the two occasions I've had flu I've ended up in hospital. Producing a lot of mucus in going to happen with that much inflammation and it is difficult to sleep.

I think your guide to your next step will be the degree of respiratory distress. It might be worth call to and see what they say. Thanks both I saw GP again yesterday as it was quite scary. It was like my body on absolute over drive trying to expel anything and everything too fast and while I was desperately in need of sleep.

I know what you mean I must be keeping Tena in business. Do either of you feel any easier the last two nights? I am dreading another night like the last two my throat is killing me. I'm so miserable,had another rubbish night , I just coughed and coughed.

Blood in my phlegm too. I might have to get tena, I've been through so many pyjamas. I did find homemade honey and lemon helped and diet coke bizarrely. It stopped coughing feelings this afternoon, won't help with sleeping. Oh, I'm feeling fine thanks, mercifully dodging colds and flus all over the place this winter. Hopefully the new anti-inflammatory biotics will kick in soon Brighteyes. I'm not sure that anything will make much difference on top of the meds.

I think drinking hot drinks offers a bit of relief but other than that it's just riding it out. Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Add post Watch this thread Hide thread.

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Unanswered threads Acronyms Talk guidelines Hide shortcut buttons. Watch thread Flip. Been prescribed amoxicillin and prednisolone - can I just take the amoxicillin? OP's posts: See next See all. Add message Bookmark. See all.

Advertisement device! Sorry equivalent of 20 is what that should say.


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